While healthcare professionals prefer to dedicate the hours to their patients, most often they’re spending the bulk of their time on administrative and operational tasks such as insurance reimbursements, pre-authorizations, patient billing, scheduling, re-scheduling and other administrative-related tasks.
Whether it’s a small or solo practice who cannot afford full-time staff or a larger practice who simply wants to make a smart business decision to reduce overhead costs, virtual assistants can be the natural solution. Prospective clients in the healthcare space always have the same question: How can I make sure that I’m staying HIPPA compliant with a virtual staff?
In addition to having a pool of qualified, knowledgeable virtual assistants that are always on hand to provide services to doctors – Virtual Assist USA eliminates concerns about HIPPA compliance by taking the following actions:
Extensive encryption: We leverage end-to-end encryption on each database instance. We encrypt all data with 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with the RC4 algorithm and 2048-bit key length. Our hosting partner is Amazon AWS which published a Service Organization Controls 1 (SOC 1) report, under both SSAE 16 and ISAE 3402 standards.
Team Compliance: Where permission is given by our clients to access information, we have a strict process in place where the Virtual Assistant or team member highlights any potential disclosure of patient information. Our system thoroughly and completely tracks what user accessed what information and at what time.
Documentation: For any client requiring a HIPAA certification, we provide our U.S. legal-approved Business Associate Agreement (BAA). This comprises of our standard confidentiality and NDA contract agreement with additional HIPAA required wording for Business Associate Agreements.