Our client -- the CEO of a consulting company that raises investment capital for early-stage high-growth companies -- came to us with a singular goal. She wanted to tackle her social media full force, with a special focus on LinkedIn. She needed a strategy-- and one with a high ROI.
Two of our Virtual Assistants, Taylor and Rachel, got to work. The client needed loads of graphics and numerous videos including green screen capabilities that highlight the several aspects of her company. Our social media Virtual Assistants knew that once we could provide a mass stock of content to the client, they could set up her socials with automated responders to push out the created content-- making the strategy both effective and effiient.
After consulting with the client, she requested that our team of Virtual Assistants tailor the graphic making process into something she could easily understand. It was our team member's priority to make sure that this was something our client could adopt herself.
The graphic design and social media work for this clients involves a deep understanding of what the client's company is focused on and what message she is trying to drive. It includes a combination of generating company quotes and modification of existing quotes to deliver the same idea. Our social medai Virtual Assistants implement stock photos, logos, etc. and format it to make something unique to the client's company. In some cases, our VAs will generate a graphic and then embed a video so that the entire graphic plus a snippet of company video can be shared. Our client will make notes and offer her feedback on the file, and each Monday, the client meets with her Virtual Assistant for an hour to discuss goals for the week, the current project milestones and vision. This is a collaborative process which has resulted in our client being able to run a social media strategy from the sidelines-- and benefit from the brand awareness and traffic increase that a powerful social media strategy provides.